35 years of existence
Over the 35 years of existence, our original activities have been marked out within “KACEM GROUP” through fruitful experience. The latter enabled great success through creating innovative items, where delivering invincible products accompanied by a peerless experience is guaranteed.
As a company, we are evolving with innovations in electronics and luminaires. Hence, we created ‘LUMTEC’, our new brand, in order to accomplish our current and future projects. This entity operates in the street and indoor lighting. And its manufacturing team members are experts in the injection of highly pressured aluminum.
LUMTEC was also created to develop a wide range of “LED” products, since the parent company has seen an increasing demand for customization in the lighting sector. So we decided to use our knowledge and know-how and specialize in this area.

We carry out a wide range of projects at both national and international levels. These diversified realizations, though LUMTEC’s recentness in this field, are due to the company’s desire to brainstorm with its clients to develop and start their new projects. The conception, design study, maintenance and repair of existing installations are also part of LUMTEC’s strong points.
This leads to the “LED”, which is part of our policy of mastering innovative horizons cooperatively popularizing an eco-friendly culture. Hence, a minimum of space and impressive illumination are assured, along with the LED’s long lifespan. Besides, this new technology emits almost no heat and provides opportunities to tune the emissions of least CO2 and ecologically damaging light.
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